{The Durban Flop.}
Dear you,
In Durban once more, but this time is not like the last. Much of it has changed. Some parts for the better, and some parts for the worse. All as one would expect, a little good and a little bad, held in perfect though varied balance. It reminds me of the man I saw walking down the pier, balanced like the scales of justice. In one hand a small plastic bag of onions and in the other a larger plastic bag of bread rolls. All balanced, the left and the right, all keeping the equilibrium in check. What every warm day needs, a giant performing a belly flop and drenching those nearby; a dog absconding with a small child’s ice-cream, leaving but the cone; a little humorous shadow to cast on the light. A counterbalance to ensure stability. This is what ensures we neither float off untethered nor fall down low.
Yours if you can find me, and yours if you can’t,
(From the zine A Postcard as Measuring Device.)
+ An albino kangaroo in the landscape
+ In the Spare Room (more to come)