{You're invited. (Please click to enlarge or print.)}
We would like to thank all at Latrobe Regional Gallery for their assistance with our exhibition, By This Unwinking Night, and the marvelous opportunity we’ve relished. Thank-you Julie Adams, Fiona West, and Maria-Luisa Marino. Thank-you Shelley McDermott and Anthea Williams.
We would like to thank all at NETS Victoria for their help and provision of beautiful cabinets in which to house books. Thank-you Georgia Cribb, Emily Jones, and Sherryn Vardy.
We would like to thank Shari Altman, Ria Bauwens, Marieke Berghuis, Des Cowley, Fliss Dodd, Brydie Dyson, Camilla Engman, Elaine & Peter Haby, Alexandra Hedberg, Susan & John Jennison, Olivia Meehan, Susan Millard, Kristi Moore, and Francesca Sasnaitis, for the original postcards they have sent our way over the years which are now included on the gallery wall with new additions, be they tailed or furred.
We would like to thank, too, our dear families and dear friends, for their post on which to lean and their ears and hearts lent.
We would like to thank you, the visitor, for taking a look at the things we have been working on and take delight in sharing with you, and we wish you well as you weave your path through galleries four and five, meeting the cast of characters we have assembled.
Yours in paper covered,
Gracia & Louise
{A different world found, writes Olive.}
{But under which are you?}
{A Swiss holiday abruptly ends.}
+ HAPPY 36TH BIRTHDAY, DEAR LOUISE. Here's to a sensational year of adventure. xo