{Playing Field opening night. In the foreground, you can see my next-door neighbour; in the blur, you can see me. (The exhibition is a part of Craft Victoria's annual festival Craft Cubed.)}
Openings are curious things. They pass quite quickly. They involve the pouring and subsequent swilling of wine. They involve speeches preferably economic in length. They involve crowds passing through, with luck, you hope. They see faces flush, shoulders brush, and some require the wearing of masks. Some become a colourful carousel and whirl about at speed. Yes, they pass quite quickly, in the blink of an eye. 8pm, all done. Hurrah! Rinse the glasses, turn out the lights, and head for home.
Here are scenes harvested not by me but by Lily for Craft Victoria. I thought you would like to see them. You can see a little of our new artists’ book, Sleeping during the day, in some, and should you not be tired of talk of this group exhibition, Louise and I will share further photos of our own soon.
{All photos from the opening by Lily Feng for Craft Victoria.}
+ Photos of the artwork in the exhibition, including ours, can be seen here.
+ There remains only a handful of Red Fox Return greeting cards. You can find them listed here.