{A Somewhat Gentle Man, Street Days, Karaoke, Godard's Film Socialisme and Bresson's Au Hasard, Balthazar.}
Here lies in order of sighting a still from each film recently seen so that I may remember them all the better in time. All in order bar one, A Somewhat Gentle Man, that ought to have made its way into the middle of the previous post but did not. My memory is not reliable, especially at present, and whilst each film stands independent from that which preceded it and that which followed it, some already they are fading from instant recall. At the halfway mark, eight days in and eight days remaining, I have several more films still to see. As if on queue, I have the sniffles and I am hoping it does not turn into a full-blown cold. I don’t want the bother of a cold but film festival fatigue it can happen. The seated pose requires stamina, the mind requires a good lunch and tea, and the weariest of eyes cannot stay open propped up by caffeine and sugar alone. So, tonight, post Stephen Fry at the Regent, I am adding liberally to my soup garlic and ginger, and pulling my footy socks up over my kneecaps.
Playing Field
Opening celebrations
Thursday the 5th of August
(The exhibition runs until the 4th of September, but more of that I will share later.)
Night, night.