{Omar and the zines.}
Omar has a particular penchant for napping tucked in my armpit whenever I lie down. His small chin resting upon my upper arm, he becomes displeased if I move too much or refuse to settle at length. He has a weakness for chocolate (Camilla’s Friday bear with a sweet tooth reminds me of him). The very smell of an egg recently boiled is capable of sending him into a delirious tailspin. And he has a certain fondness for paper. He likes little better than to investigate a pile of paper, to nuzzle and kiss it about the edge with his little black lips, to claim it as his own. With two new zines to photograph he has been kept happily engaged of late. My factory foreman with a long black tail and a howl like an infant oversaw the production and documentation of these new zines. He can attest that all pages are in correct order. As can Louise and I.
Good evening, good evening. So nice of you to have come all this way.
Edition of sixty.
October, 2008.
~ Lay claim to this zine ~
This zine features many of the collages and texts from my occasional Postcard Travels series, as well as various photographic ephemera from Elisabeth Söderberg's life received by post from Alexandra, and a few other hidden surprises. The title of this zine has been borrowed from Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited. It is a line spoken by Charles Ryder's father, and in my copy of the book it falls on page 82.
Postcards from… But for the moon nobody could see us.
Edition of sixty.
October, 2008.
~ Lay claim to this zine ~
This zine is the third in a loosely grouped series of postcard collage zines. Of the first two (I and II) only one copy remains available.
See additional page details here.
Thank you once more for taking an interest in what I make and what I do. I am delighted to share it with you in this space. Good evening to you.