For the budding twitcher,
The parrots you can see adorning my Elsewhere blog layout (as of Monday the 20th of February, 2012) include, from top to bottom:
Eclectus Parrots (Eclectus roratus)
Distribution: Australasia
Males and females of this parrot are so different they were originally classified as separate species.
Pacific parrotlet (Forpus coelestis)
Distribution: W. Ecuador and N.W. Peru
Not easily seen among the foliage, this tiny, green-faced parrot inhabits secondary forest (regrown after felling).
Double-eyed fig-parrot (Cyclopsitta diophthalma)
Distribution: New Guinea and E. Australia
In spite of its bright plumage this little parrot is easily overlooked as it feeds quietly among the foliage of the rainforest canopy.