(From top to bottom, In the borrowed costume for a Little God from Le Dieu bleu, after Léon Bakst, 1912, with an Eastern collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris); In the modified costumed for a Syrian woman from Cleopatra, designed by Léon Bakst, 1909 and 1930s, a Marvellous spatuletail( Loddigesia mirabilis); In the borrowed costume for Vaslav Nijinsky as the Prince from the pas de deux L’Oiseau et la Prince, after Léon Bakst, 1914, with a Northern cricket frog (Acris crepitans); In the borrowed costume for the Bonze from The Nightingale, after David Hockney, 1982, with a Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) and a male Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae); In the borrowed jacket from The hunt, Act I, Giselle, designed by Alexandre Benois, c 1910, with a Linnaeus's mouse opossum (Marmosa murina) and an oriental bay owl (Phodilus badius))
Just in case you missed our recent newsletter or flurry of instagram pics, we are popping up on Elsewhere too with a small reminder for the busy, the forgetful, and those of you a fabulous meld of both. This weekend we will be taking part in the inaugural Melbourne Art Book Fair in the Great Hall at the NGV.
We've created two brand new artists' books to share with you, eleven new zines, fifteen costumed Salvaged Relatives, and a few surprises too. Come along, do, should you be free.
Until then, on the State Library of Victoria's blog you can read our thoughts on collaboration, and thanks to the Book Arts Newsletter and Alice Cannon, you can take yourself back in time to our Salvaged Relatives book launch at Milly Sleeping.
Ever yours, scored and hooting,
Gracia & Louise X