Little man. Big shoes. Large hole. Dear Omar. XO
And at 9.30am Lenni discovered Pearl.
So much has happened these past few weeks that I've no idea where to begin. What I can say is thank-you so very much for all your kindness, love and support about the loss of our dear old boy, Omar. Gracia and I have been so touched by the care you have shown us.
G's post on Omar's last days, Goodbye Dear Omar, brought tears to my eyes, but it says so well all that I feel. It has been hard to say goodbye even though it was the kindest gift we could give him.
We both feel relieved he is now peaceful and his passing was so lovely with our vet, but we miss him with all our hearts. He moved in at the same time as G, so we three have spent pretty much every day of the last sixteen years together. We still have a candle burning for him in our front window, overlooking his little spot in the garden. He also has a little cat statue to keep him company and a rose bush to keep him secure and always in our hearts.
We are trying to think about all the wonderful times we had together. He had a brilliant life. But, of course, all is terribly lonely without our Omar. He has left a huge gap.
And so we decided to get a Siamese kitten, Leonard the lionhearted. Not as a replacement, but because it's too hard living without Siamese company. G has always lived with Siamese and we wanted to keep up the tradition.
It's proving to be a big adjustment for Olive and Percy who are used to an old Siamese rather than a youngster, but we're getting there.
In between all of the things we have on the go at the moment, we're getting there.
In the last of the light, the finishing touches to all 40 prints (Whirling in the Glowing Dark for Rona Green's Beastarium print exchange).
Editioning our prints for @ronagreenart's Beastarium as Lenni sleeps in a basket on the worktable.
We're happy our former circus animals will be hitching a ride in the Beastarium Caravan, 2015.
In the gallery, G writes her text component on the wall (as part of In Your Dreams).
After our talk in the gallery about our work as part of In Your Dreams, we treat ourselves to true late arvo fare.
There was an opening too, but we've only a small handful of photos to show for it.
And it feels so very long ago now. I guess it was.
Percy becomes Cerberus, the three-headed dog from Greek Mythology.