From the last three days in the gallery, to these past three days, this is how the work pre-Wednesday's book launch has looked. Gracia has slowly and steadily handwritten her explorer's narrative into A Year of Southern Hemisphere Birds over two long days and I loved watching the process unfold on a large drawing board in the lounge room. I saw all of my bird notes, compositional planning and artsts' book hopes come together and I was delighted. This project has been, as G's December Field Notes for the Shaft-tailed Whydah (Vidua regia) describe: "challenging, creative, rough, inspired, illuminating. I’ve darted from place to place in twelve-month span to the sounds of chord tinkling bird call. I’ve made myself a study of wanderlust unrestrained! A dream of flying near a reality!"
Especially for Wednesday's launch at the library, we'll have a spread of homemade biscuits. The Jam Drops and Lemon Hearts above will whet your appetite, I'm sure, and were baked today by G and her Mum, Elaine. And we'll also have a selection of our most recent zines available for a leaf through and to purchase on the night too, including G's newest Dear You number with a fetching striped spine, A Postcard as a Measuring Device, which I am looking forward to sharing with you in greater detail soon.
Hope to see you there, should you be free.
On the last page of A Year of Southern Hemisphere Birds, alongside the artists' book's particulars you will find the following thank-you. It seems only fitting to share it here too.
Thank-you to Gracia Haby for her patience, compositional advice, research assistance, and of course, for sending me to Borneo and beyond in her imaginative explorer's narrative.
Thank-you to Susan and John Jennison, and Elaine and Peter Haby for their combined support, advice, and enthusiasm throughout all parts of making this artists' book.