Green-capped Parrots, cover seals, hungry Siamese cats, and trips to the gallery
As I take a small break from hand-colouring the blue-purple crowns of September's Superb Fruit-Dove (Ptilinopus superbus)
for their launch late October, I thought I'd share with you a visual crop of recent days, thanks to the immediacy of
instagram, again. The week, and a bit either side of it, brought with it many nice surprises, chiefly, Gracia's Wet Whiskers Drying seal on the cover of October's Art Almanac. It also pleasantly inundated us with pre-orders for Gracia's Agatha Christie fanzine, A Catalogue of Bodies, which will be posted out near and far on Monday the 7th. A Catalogue of Bodies is 77 double-sided pages in length and features some 100 bodies harvested these many months by G. (You can see a few more stills here, in her recent post.) As Hastings so loyally followed Poirot's instruction, I too have loyally followed G's making of this fantastic zine that has utilised all of her own 'little grey cells'. Hastings and Poirot often mirror the two of us. As do Tom and Barbara, and Manny and Bernard. (I'll let you figure out who is who, though we do often switch places.)
(All breathing in heaven is on at Geelong Gallery until the 13th of October, and in the above you can see a glimpse at Stephen Wickham's underwater photographs. You can also see a little of me. There I am, just a toe, running after C's Darting Darcy.)