Superb Fruit-Dove
(Ptilinopus superbus)
Family: Columbidae
Migration: Partial migrant
Australasian region from Sulawesi through New Guinea to the Solomon Islands, and in N.E. and E. Australia.
Rainforests, rainforest margins,
mangroves, wooded stream-margins, and even isolated figs, lilly pillies
and pittosporums.
September's bird in my giant book of birds (A Year of Southern Hemisphere Birds) is the Superb Fruit-Dove. A brilliant bird of vivid plumage, it is for Gracia's birthday month. It's brightly coloured feathers provide good camouflage high up in the trees amongst the fruit and foliage. The Superb Fruit-Dove lives in pairs or alone, and it makes a nest of twigs in vine tangles or in a tree. This bird is one of the most important seed distributors in Australian tropical and sub-tropical forests.
(Cropped photograph of an actual Superb Fruit-Dove by Ákos Lumnitzer.)