Red-rumped Parrot
(Psephotus haematonotus)
Family: Psittacidae
Seasonal movements: Sedentary
S.E. Australia, throughout most of New South Wales (though less so on the coast) and Victoria, with an isolated population in N.E. South Australia and S.W. Queensland. (In addition, escapes from aviaries may have led to an increase in some populations in some areas, namely around the Central Coast and Sydney, New South Wales.)
Commonly near water: farm paddocks with living and /or dead trees; grassy woodlands, pastoral country; river red gums on watercourses; mangroves, crops, farmyards, roadsides, playing fields, suburban allotments... and the North Fitzroy footy oval.
If September belonged to the Superb Fruit-Dove, February, my birthday month, belongs to the Red-rumped parrots. These parrots who mate for life seem an appropriate fit for the month of St Valentine. I am presently drawing the title page for these loved-up parrots. They are resting atop a wire fence similar to that of the local footy oval where I occasionally spot a pair whilst I am out on walks with Percy. (We also spot this fine hound too. Bernice the Bedlington Terrier.)
(Cropped photograph of an actual Red-rumped parrot by Larry Dunis.)