One Crested Jay has his portrait drawn. Surrounded by a ring of wasps. His favourite food stuff.
A Year of Southern Hemisphere Birds zooms along on Wednesday.
A necklace of mice to frame my two Southern boobooks in progress.
Two boobooks surrounded by a ring of mice takes shape.
Though little of the work you have seen here, I am currently working on the second last bird portrait in my giant, unique state artsts' book entitled A Year Southern Hemisphere of Birds. Twelve bird portraits, one for each month, are very nearly complete. It's hard to believe.
A Year of Southern Hemisphere Birds features twelve pencil-drawn birds encircled by their food choices, nesting material or habitat, alongside written
facts. As such, bands of kelp, clumps of mud, gatherings of termites, rings of berries, necklaces of mice and circles of butterflies and moths all feature.
As the page size is so very large (56cm X 38cm), I've not really had a chance as yet to photograph the work as I go. Just a few quick instagram captures to share has been all. I'll soon change that, I promise.
Birds included (in order they appear):
Yellow-billed Kingfisher
Red-rumped Parrot
Crested Jay
Yellow-fronted Woodpecker
Southern Boobook
Grey-rumped Treeswift
Red Knot
Superb Fruit-dove
Rufous Hornero
Antarctic Tern
(and lastly, a...) Shaft-tailed Whydah
In news of other animals (White rabbits! Dormice! March hares! Frog-footmen!), I've been to see Christopher Wheeldon’s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with Gracia and this is what we saw.