This is a look at our newest artists' book, As Inclination Directs. Gracia and I had a lot of fun with this one, which hopefully you can see. It sees a return to hand-colouring an edition, just like the very first artists' books we made early 2000 and onwards. An edition of ten, you'll be familiar with it from various instagram peeks and G's post, Wend One's Way, too.
As Inclination Directs is set somewhere eerily similar to Le Touquet-Paris-Plage but slightly different. With its pencil and collage editions, I think you'd be in for a disappointing surprise if you were to use this as any sort of guidebook.
Inhabitants include:
Koala, Phascolarctos cinereus
Range: E. Australia
Habitat: dry forest
Horned frog, Ceratophrys cornuta
Range: N. and central South America
Habitat: litter on forest floor
Corroboree Frog, Pseudophryne corroboree
Range: Australia: Victoria, New South Wales
Habitat: mountain forest, grassy marshland
Spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum
Range: S.E. Canada, E. U.S.a to Georgia and E. Texas
Habitat: hardwood forest, hillsides near pools
Wrestling halfbeak, Dermogenys pusillus
Range: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Sundra Islands
Habitat: fresh water
Least weasel, Mustela nivalis
Range: Europe, N. Africa, Asia, N, America; introduced in New Zealand
Habitat: farmland, woodland
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Rupicola peruviana
Range: Andes, N. Venezuela to N. Bolivia
Habitat: forest along river gorges
And the large bird you can see perched upon the woman's shoulder is a male Cuckoo-roller, Leptosomus discolor. Each of the ten editions will sport a different bird here.
In other news, my artists' book For Martha is to be exhibited as part of this year's 2013 Libris Awards: Australian Artists' Book Prize,
at Artspace Mackay, Queensland.
For those nearby, pop along and see, do:
2013 Libris Awards: Australian Artists' Book Prize
Friday 10th of May – Sunday 30th of June
McAleese Gallery, Artspace Mackay, 61 Gordon Street, Mackay, Queensland