This is a look at Gracia and my collaborative collage work, A composition based on the stories collected from old seafarers (II), for MIEL books literary journal 1110/5. Remember that tiny through the keyhole peep? It will be published in April, but you can pre-order a copy through MIEL.
We are thrilled to be a part of 1110/5, and hope that you can see in the works we made that we had a great deal of fun with it.
We made three collage works for MIEL to choose from and were most curious to see which they would run with. Above is A composition based on the stories collected from old seafarers (I) with a Swiss bear carving and a woman preparing to dive or perhaps merely toying with you. (You might recall that we've featured Swiss bears in collages before. Seems particularly sad today having just read about Switzerland's only bear killed by rangers.)
In 111O/5
You will find writing by
Nick Flynn
Juliana Spahr
Roxane Gay
Jon McGregor
Arlene Kim
TJ Jarrett
Amber Sparks
Ali Gharavi
Vanessa Ramos
Steve Himmer
Rachel Moritz
Mensah Demary
Metta Sáma
Matthew Welton
Laressa Dickey
Shana Youngdahl
Rowntree Jones
Hannah VanderHart
James Cihlar
Valerie Wetlaufer
Neele Dellschaft
Polly Atkin
(including ourselves)
Ilse Weisfelt
Marion de Man
Ben Terrett
Shari Altman
Heather Smith Jones
Wil Freeborn
Helena de la Guardia
Ivan deBoom
Thomas Sayers Ellis
Mónica Naranjo Uribe
Elsa Mora
Yuko Matsui
Lisa Congdon
Brian Aldrich
Lisa Solomon
Cathy Cullis
Kathryn Clark
Marie-Klara González
Leo & Pipo
Éireann Lorsung
Amy Friend
Camilla Engman
I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. In the meantime, keep an eye out for further peeks and snippets, and head across to Ana Pina's blog today for our interview is up on her blog. We had a lot of fun with this interview, and look forward to reading others in the series.