Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for their lovely birthday cheers left on the previous post and that filtered in by email throughout the day, and Gracia especially for her annual pinching of my blog in order to make grand announcement. It means a great deal to me to receive such kind messages. Thirty-four feels like it is going to be a good year, a good age.
Secondly, I’d like to share a few photos of Gracia and me at the Sticky's Festival of the Photocopier zine fair. It took place in the Degraves Street underpass and all was grand. It was a steamy and festive five hours and we sold many of our older zines as well as seven new titles made especially for the fair.
Our new zines are…
Who Are You?
Closing my eyes, it is possible to imagine myself anywhere but where I am (I)
Closing my eyes, it is possible to imagine myself anywhere but where I am (II)
Views in my pocket
A folded drawing Australian Pelican
A folded drawing Southern Boobook
A folded drawing Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Gracia and I hope to photograph them and get them up on our webstore early this week.
I shall leave you now with some eye drawings, which appear in my new folded drawing zine, as I have to rest my ankle. I took a tumble on our roof this afternoon whilst attempting to squirt silicon into a difficult to reach section of tin roof. I think I was being overly confident with my very limited plumbling/roofing skills.